All tagged photography

New Video: Photo Walk by Dublin's Grand Canal and Using Photography to Overcome Creative Block

In this video, I go back to basics and set out to enjoy the creative process of taking photos in order to overcome a bad case of creator block and imposter syndrome. I went for a Photo Walk by the grand canal in Dublin with my Trusty Fujifilm X-E4 and talked about how you sometimes need to take photos just for yourself and enjoy the process as a form of meditation.

Photo Wander Part 3: Germany

I've finally finished editing the final part (final, for now!) of my Travel Vlog series and it's now online on my YouTube channel. In this episode, I go to the little town of Heppenheim in Germany to enjoy a few days in the beautiful countryside, and to photograph the gorgeous medieval town and its surroundings.

My Photo Journal

While I do most of my posting on this blog, and it’s pretty much the main port of call for visitors, the blog is actually not my main photography site. I actually have a main site, which acts as my portfolio an has details about my photography, my writing and so on, as well as contact information ad the like. It’s my online business card so to speak. It also has a companion blog, which I often refer to as the “Photos Only” blog.

Photography, The Invisible Art Form

Something occurred to me recently while thinking about photography. You often hear photographers trot out the old trope of “it’s not about the camera, it’s about the photographer” but in many ways that’s not really the whole story either. Another way of looking at it is: “It’s not about the Photographer, it’s about the Image”. Last week, there was a very powerful image in the media, showing once again the importance of photography. The disturbing yet moving photograph of the child’s body washed ashore on the Turkish coastline shocked the world into action, and yet how many people know who the photographer was? Outside of the photographic community, I doubt anyone who is not into photography can name the photographer of that striking image.

10 Tips for iPhone Photography

I’ve been using my iPhone a lot for photography lately and I’m having a lot of fun shooting with it. There’s lots written about iPhone photography and there’s lots of articles giving you lots of tips and dos and don’ts for shooting images with your iPhone. I wanted to share a few from my own experience though. These are just some random tips that I’ve been thinking about over the last little while. Some may seem pretty obvious, and some you may not agree with, but there tips are just things that I’ve personally found. Anyway, without further ado, here are ten tips for getting more from your iPhone photography.