All tagged tip

Speed Up Lightroom - The Three Most Likely Culprits for Poor Performance

Lightroom Classic used to have a terrible reputation for performance. Certainly, older versions of the software had some serious speed issues, but over the past few years, Adobe has worked to improve the responsiveness of the application. It’s now it’s a far cry from the way it used to be. However, If you have a modern computer, and you’re still experiencing a slowdown with Lightroom, there are a handful of common issues that could be causing it.

Lightroom Quick Tip: Drag and Drop Behaviour

There are lots of ways to get images into and out of Lightroom. For importing, you can import from the import dialog box, or by setting up the auto import., or by synchronising an existing folder. For outputting, you can export via a variety of settings, or use one of the publishing plugins in the Library module. But what happens when you drag and drop images into or out of Lightroom?

Sync Your Lightroom Presets to Multiple Macs using ChronoSync and DropBox

One of the things that I often find frustrating when working in Lightroom on both a laptop and a desktop, is keeping my presets in sync. I often have presets on my desktop, which I will use quite often, and then when I switch to my Laptop and I try to find them, I realise I don't have them. I've been thinking for a while about ways to help alleviate this problems, and I've come up with a solution. This won't be for everyone and I'm sure there are lots of other ways to do this, but it should you an idea of at least one way to go about keeping your presets in sync.

10 Tips for iPhone Photography

I’ve been using my iPhone a lot for photography lately and I’m having a lot of fun shooting with it. There’s lots written about iPhone photography and there’s lots of articles giving you lots of tips and dos and don’ts for shooting images with your iPhone. I wanted to share a few from my own experience though. These are just some random tips that I’ve been thinking about over the last little while. Some may seem pretty obvious, and some you may not agree with, but there tips are just things that I’ve personally found. Anyway, without further ado, here are ten tips for getting more from your iPhone photography. 

Creating a "Stacked" style gallery in Squarespace that can use the Lightbox

This is a quick tip for any fellow Squarespace users out there. If you're a photo blogger and you use Squarespace you may have come across the following problem: You want to add a series of images to your blog post and you want them all to appear in a row, one after the other. The simplest way to do this is to add a gallery block to your post, and use the stacked mode for the gallery. This will add any images in the gallery one after the other in a "stacked" fashion, but for some reason known only to the folks at Squarespace, this method doesn't allow you to use the Lightbox functionality (so that when you click on an image it will apear large in an overlay)