About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Fujifilm announces collaboration with Phase One; Improved Fujifilm Support Coming to Capture One

Fujifilm announces collaboration with Phase One; Improved Fujifilm Support Coming to Capture One

Of the news coming out of Photokina today, this probably flew under the radar amid all the camera announcements, but I think it is one of the most significant for Fuji shooters. Phase One has basically done a deal with Fuji to better support Fuji cameras including its medium format cameras. It will also release a Fuji specific version of Capture One (similar to what the company currently does for Sony).

Additionally, Phase one is also going to release a free “express” version of Capture One for Fuji shooters. They are also planning to provide native support for Fuji film simulations. Here’s a few excerpts from the Phase One press release:

Under terms of this agreement, Phase One and Fujifilm are collaborating to broaden and deepen Capture One software support of more Fujifilm cameras. With the release of Capture One 11.3 (see today’s announcement) Capture One has significantly expanded its Fujifilm camera support, with full Fujifilm RAW file and basic tethered support for select cameras. Future development will integrate Fujifilm Film Simulations with Capture One and provide enhanced tethered support for select professional Fujifilm cameras.

Capture One Fujifilm Support Roadmap

Capture One Pro Fujifilm

Tethered support for – GFX 50S, X-H1, X-T3, X-T2, X-T1, X-Pro2 RAW file support for all Fujifilm cameras Fujifilm Film Simulations*

Capture One Express Fujifilm

RAW file support for all Fujifilm cameras Fujifilm Film Simulations**

Capture One Pro

Tethered support for - GFX 50S, X-H1, X-T3, X-T2, X-T1, X-Pro2 RAW file support for all Fujifilm cameras Fujifilm Film Simulations*

  • Capture One 11.3 provides tethered support without live view. Full tethered support, including live view, will be provided in an upcoming release. Releases are available at no extra charge for subscribers, Fujifilm Film Simulations will be provided in an upcoming release. Releases are available at no extra charge for subscribers,

If it is similar to previous releases, the express version will be a cut down version of Capture One with limited features. They actually used to have an express version in the past, but have discontinued it, so I can’t remember exactly what feature was in it and what wasn’t. It’s available now for free for any Fuji shooter.

The Fuji specific version should have all of the features of Capture One, but will only work with Fujifilm Raw files. It’s also only available as a subscription, which may put people off. Current prices listed on Phase One’s website put it at €159 a year or €16 per month. The full version of Capture One is available on a subscription for €180 per year, or as a perpetual licence for €348

I will have a full report on the express version soon. For the interested, I also ave some Capture One Styles as well as a Guide to processing Fuji Files in Capture One This was written for the full version, so I can’t guarantee everything is relevant for express, but I will look and consider doing an updated version. I’m also not sure that the Styles will work with the free version either, but I will investigate.

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