About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

These maybe the last photos I’ll ever take with my Canon 5d Mark 1

These maybe the last photos I’ll ever take with my Canon 5d Mark 1

I was up early the other day, and it was a lovely sunny, albeit cold May morning here in Dublin. I headed into the city with the intent of making a video I’d been planning for a little while. I wanted to do a “retro review” of the original Canon 5D, which I still own, and I’ve been shooting with on and off for 12 years or so. It was going really well too, that was until something broke inside my camera. That turned out to be the mirror. It fell off.

I had been shooting for about an hour, and I just changed lenses, when something went “clunk” inside of the camera. Suddenly the viewfinder was half blacked out, and the camera wouldn’t focus. At first, It thought it had just jammed or something, but then, when I took the lens off, the mirror fell out into my hand. I was both bemused and upset. I found it funny because I was trying to make a video about how great it is that you can get a full frame camera for so little now, with the 5d selling second hand for under €300. Instead of a lesson in value, it became a cautionary tale. 

I made another video when I got home, talking about what happened and showing you the issue, which you can find linked here below. Lens wise, these were taken with the 100mm macro, and the 17-40 f4L. 

What did annoy me though, was that the original video I had set out to make was actually going really well, and I had gotten some good shots. I’ll probably still try and put the footage I got together, as I don’t really want to waste it, but below are some of the images I took. These may well be the last I ever took with that camera. I’ve had both good times and bad times with it. I’ve loved it, and some of its downsides have annoyed me over the years, but it’s still a significant camera in the history of the technology. I will try and get it fixed or fix it myself, so hopefully, it may yet come back to life, but for now here are the last few shots I took with it.

Help Support the Blog

This blog is pretty much my day job now and I work to bring you my own take on photography, both tutorials and tips, as well as inspiration from my own art. I support this work, and my YouTube channel entirely either via sales of my eBooks and Lightroom presets, or the kind support of my readers. (I also have one affiliate ad). Running all this isn’t cheap, and so If you like what you see and you want to help keep this all going, there are a number of ways you can do so:

If you like this post then you can see more of my work on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. I also have a YouTube channel that you might like. You should also check out my other Photography Project: The Streets of Dublin. If you want to get regular updates, and notices of occasional special offers, and discounts from my store, then please sign up for the Newsletter.

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