All tagged Profiles

iPhone ProRaw Underexposure in Lightroom and How to fix it

When you import ProRAW files into Lightroom, it defaults to using the Apple ProRAW colour profile. The colours on this are…let’s just say, they’re not great. It makes it look like it would if you had just shot it normally and not used ProRAW. In particular, shadows seem pushed too much, and highlights have a weird yellow tone. No problem, just switch to one of the Adobe colour profiles, I hear you say. This is where the weirdness comes in. If you switch to the Adobe profile, it will be significantly under exposed.

How To Customise Fuji Film Simulation Profiles in Lightroom

If you’re a Fuji shooter, you shoot RAW and use Lightroom Classic, then you probably regularly use the Fuji Film simulation colour profiles when processing your images. However, what if you want to customise those profiles? What if you’re not 100% happy with the colour balance for example, or you’d like to match some customisation options that you’ve set in-camera. Well, it’s actually easy enough to create your own custom versions of these colour profiles and in this video I’ll show you how!

Lightroom Creative Profiles and Why they’re not more Common

I got an interesting question from a Patreon supporter the other day, and I thought it was important enough that I should write about it. The person wanted to know why people use presets more in Lightroom compared to Creative Profiles, and why Lightroom’s Creative Profiles aren’t more common. While I don’t have any definitive answers to this, I do have some theories, so read on. I’ll also outline how to use profiles and how to create them.

How to Create Creative Profiles for Lightroom and Photoshop

One of the key new features of Lightroom 7.3 and the corresponding Photoshop release, was the addition of creative profiles. If you’re not familiar with these, they are sort of a cross between presets and LUTS, and can be applied to both RAW and JPEG images (and of course tiff, and psd etc). You may be wondering how to create these new profiles. Well, it’s actually pretty easy, but you need to use photoshop. What follows is a basic guide. I will do a more in-depth version in a future post which goes into the more technical details.