About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Which Fuji In-Camera Options are Directly Supported in Capture One?

Which Fuji In-Camera Options are Directly Supported in Capture One?

When you import Fujifilm Raw files into Capture One, the software will automatically detect the film simulation mode that you used when you shot your images. However, I am often asked what about the other options such as shadow and highlight tone options, sharpening and so on?

Most of the other options are not supported automatically by Capture One. This doesn’t mean that you can’t create those options, but it just means that they must be set manually. Note that I’m not talking about exposure settings here. They will of course be carried over, just like they are with all RAW files. I’m talking about the more specific Fuji in-camera parameters. Here’s a quick table of the various in-camera options and what it means:

In-Camera Option Supported on Import in Capture One? Notes
Film Simulation Modes Yes Automatically detected
Sharpening Settings No Must be set manually
Noise Reduction Settings No Must be set manually
DR Modes Partially Will correct for brightness, but doesn’t automatically include recovery
Shadow and Highlight Tone No Must be set manually

There’s one of these options that bears further explanation. The DR modes (DR200, DR400). The way these work in-camera is that they lower the exposure on capture, and then in post they compensate but compress the highlights to retain more information. This happens automatically in-camera when you shoot Jpeg and you never notice it. If you shoot RAW, Capture One will compensate for the way the camera underexposes, and you will see the correctly exposed image, but it doesn’t compress the highlights.

Some earlier RAW converters didn’t do this properly, and if you used the DR modes you would get an underexposed image when you opened the RAW file. Luckily this isn’t an issue any more for most RAW conversion software.

If you want to learn more about how to manually set the other options to match the in-camera settings, I cover most of these in my eBook on processing Fujifilm RAW files in Capture One.

Just one other note. This applies whether you are using the Fujifilm or Full version of Capture One.

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All the different ways to add Contrast in Capture One

All the different ways to add Contrast in Capture One