About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Film Lux 3 Coming Soon

Film Lux 3 Coming Soon

It’s been a while since I released any Lightroom presets, but I’m happy to share some details of the next set that I’m working on. It’s another edition of my long running FilmLUX series, and I’m actually fairly proud of these. I wanted to create something that closely matched the feel of real film, without being over the top. I actually went through a lot of iterations before I came to this, and so, this is probably one of the sets that I’ve worked on the most.

The final release will contain 10 “negative” films and “5” transparency or slide films. Each will have two variations. They are my own creations rather than trying to emulate any specific film, but I based the look on my experience scanning and working with actual real film. They all contain grain, and they also soften the image slightly in the way real film would. Below is a few examples of the presets in action so far. I’ll have more details when they’re finally released in the next few days, but I was so excited at how they had turned out, that I wanted to share them now! They may be more subtle than some of the other presets in this range, but they’re also more accurate to actual film.

They will require Lightroom Classic (preferably the latest version) and they will also work with Lightroom CC, Lightroom Mobile and Photoshop. I now some people have written to me (angrily) every time I release new presets that I’m not supporting older versions of Lightroom, but it’s just not practical or possible any more. Lightroom has changed significantly since the last stand alone version and would require significant resources to reverse engineer these presets to work with it. Going forward, none of my new products will support the older standalone version of Lightroom. I understand this will upset some people, but it was discontinued several years ago now, and its just not viable to continue to support it.

Help Support the Blog

This blog is pretty much my day job now and I work to bring you my own take on photography, both tutorials and tips, as well as inspiration from my own art. I support this work, and my YouTube channel entirely either via sales of my eBooks and Lightroom presets, or the kind support of my readers. (I also have one affiliate ad). Running all this isn’t cheap, and so If you like what you see and you want to help keep this all going, there are a number of ways you can do so:

If you like this post then you can see more of my work on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. I also have a YouTube channel that you might like. You should also check out my other Photography Project: The Streets of Dublin. If you want to get regular updates, and notices of occasional special offers, and discounts from my store, then please sign up for the Newsletter.

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Is the Sony A6000 is Achieving Cult Status?

Using Kodak PhotoCD Files in 2019

Using Kodak PhotoCD Files in 2019