All tagged Christmas

Signing off for Christmas

It’s Christmas Eve and the Christmas lights are on, the candles are lit, and the dim winter light outside is making everything cosy. I’m taking a break from the blog, and youtube and everything else for a few days over the Christmas Season, and so I wanted to wish all of my readers who celebrate Christmas a happy Christmas from Ireland, and for those who don’t a happy holiday season, and Happy new year. I also wanted to thank everyone for all of your support during the year.

Happy Christmas

On this Christmas Eve, I wanted to wish everyone a very happy holidays. Thank you for your support and readership over this past yea, and I am really grateful to you all. I hope those of you who celebrate a festive holiday this time of year enjoy a very peaceful Christmas and a happy new year, or whatever holiday you celebrate. 

Happy Christmas

I just wanted to wish all my readers a very Happy Christmas from her in Dublin. (And happy holidays for those who don't celebrate Christmas). Thank you all for your support and for all the kind comments and encouragement that I've received over the past year. To keep in the festive spirit, here's a few photos of the decorations around Dublin

Dublin Christmas Market

If you live in or work near our capital here in Ireland, you've probably seen this already, but there's a pretty great Christmas Market in Dublin City at the moment. The market runs along the north side of Stephen's Green, and, I have to say, is very impressive. The stands run practically the full length of the green and consist of everything from food, and sweets to hand made gifts and other trinkets.