About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Sigma lenses coming to Fujifilm X-Mount - Some Thoughts

Sigma lenses coming to Fujifilm X-Mount - Some Thoughts

Yesterday (Feb 21st) Sigma officially announced that it would start releasing lenses for Fuji’s X-Mount. The initial lenses to be released would be a trio of f/1.4 primes that already exist for other mounts. These are a 16mm, 30mm and 56mm. While this has been rumoured for a while, it’s an interesting development, as these lenses are well regarded on other platforms.

There’s a virtual mountain of early review of these to choose from if you want the details, so rather than me repeating the stuff that’s undoubtedly been said lots of other places, I thought I’d offer my own two cents on this.

I’m actually quite excited by this for two reasons. Firstly, they offer pretty good value and often an inexpensive way to get fast primes on Fuji’s cameras. While Fuji has some great lenses, the f 1.4 Fujifilm primes are pretty expensive. Here in Ireland for example, the Fujifilm 16mm F/1.4 is €999. The Sigma 16mm f/1.4 (for Sony) is only €439, which is a significant saving. I know they won’t be as good as the Fujifilm glass, but they’re still pretty good and have always gotten good reviews.

The second reason that I’m excited is that I’ve used Sigma lenses for a while with my Sony A6000 and I’ve always been happy with them. I have been using the older f/2.8 primes, but the quality of those has always been excellent, especially for the price.

Given the fact that Sigma has a good reputation, I think this offers potential Fuji users a less expensive way to round out their collection of prime lenses. While they probably won’t be as good as the Fujifilm equivalents, by all accounts they are good alternatives, especially at the price.

For more details, there is a press release and details here on DPReview. The lenses are available to pre-order now from BH Photo and other stockists.

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