All tagged X100

Video: Fujifilm X100 Retro Review

I was recently discussing the original X100 with a friend on twitter, and we were talking about how it is still a really great camera, even though it does have a few limitations. With that in mind, I wanted to put together a little short retro review, so In this video, I take a look at the original “classic” Fujifilm X100. 

My Guide for Processing Fuji X-Trans files in Lightroom Now Available

As many of my long time readers and followers will know, I’ve posted lots of articles and blog posts on this site over the years about processing Fuji X-Trans files. Over the last few years, I’ve covered lots of different aspects, and I have quite a bit of information on here. I’ve been working to collate all those separate blog posts into a single guide (well, a guide for each application) and I’ve previously posted my guide for working with Capture One. Since that time I’ve been hard at work on the guide for Lightroom, and I’m delighted to say that it’s finally finished and available on my store.

Adobe Improves X-Trans Processing in Lightroom CC Update: Promises More to Come

One of the interesting tidbits, buried in the list of bug fixes for the Lightroom CC update that was released yesterday was a mention of improvements to Fuji X-Trans processing in Lightroom. Any long term follower of this blog, knows that Lightroom’s poor quality X-Trans rendering has long been a bug bear of mine, and I’ve sought ways to minimise it and ways to avoid it altogether. In the announcement yesterday, Adobe has dealt with the first problem, that of the colour blur, and the company has stated that they are working with Fuji to improve edge rendering and detail on X-Trans files.

Oslo with the X100, VSCO Cam

I've recently been going through some of my older images, and re-processing some photos that I'd never been particularly happy with. One such set was some of the images I took when I was in Oslo a few years ago with the X100. I was using the little Fuji as a back-up camera at the time, and I've never really done anything with the files properly. I had done some rough processing in Aperture, but I hadn't given them the love they deserved, so I decided to import the project into Lightroom and re-process a few of them.