About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Capture One for iPad Release Date Announced, Due June 28th

Capture One for iPad Release Date Announced, Due June 28th

Capture One has announced the release date for the iPad version of the Capture One software. The iPad app will be out on the 28th of June and will be available on the iPadOS App Store on that date. The iPad version of the software will require a subscription of $4.99 a month.

Capture One for iPad features the same underlying engine as the desktop application, and gives you access to much of the toolset in a portable form factor. You can also sync images to the desktop to continue your work there.

The iPad app won’t include very feature of the desktop version initially, unfortunately, with Masks and Layers notably being absent. The company did say that they are working on this for future versions.

This news broke late last week, and reaction to the news of the subscription cost hasn’t been positive. Many are complaining that those who already pay a subscription for the desktop app, aren’t getting the iPad version without having to pay extra, like Lightroom subscribers do. Many also complained that they are not offering a perpetual version, as some feel that not having to pay a subscription is the reason they switched to Capture One in the first place. How widespread these sentiments are is hard to tell. However, given the cost of a Capture One subscription already, the price for running Capture One as a desktop and mobile solution is substantially higher than the Adobe equivalent. Of course, if you prefer Capture One, or need it for your work, then this is a moot point. However, it does get back to the issues I previously raised about where the company sees the software’s place in the market.

The iPad version has been in beta for a while now, but unfortunately, I, personally, haven’t been able to try it as my iPad is too slow and too old to give it a fair comparison. I would be very curious to try it, but until I can get a better iPad it will have to wait.

The company also announced, on their Facebook page, that the next version of the desktop application will feature re-designed tool tabs. These look to be using similar icons to the iPad version, and I suspect that this is for consistency. I’m uncertain if I like the designs personally, however, but I will reserve judgement until the version is released.

Cover Image via Capture One PR

Check out my Capture One Style Packs

If you’re looking for some Film Effect, or black and White style packs for Capture One, check out my Capture One styles on my Gum Road Store.

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If you want to discuss anything you’ve read here on my website, or saw on my youtube channel, or if you want to share images you’ve created using any of my techniques or presets, then I’ve started a new Facebook Group just for that.

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