About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

T-Pan and T-Neg Sample Packs now Available

T-Pan and T-Neg Sample Packs now Available

Just a quick note. I have updated my T-Pan and T-Neg product pages on my store to include a downloadable sample pack of the styles. Because it can be hard for people to judge whether the styles are for you or not, I wanted people to be able to try them out in a little way for each pack, and so the samples each contain one “film” for each of the styles (and the associated variations). You will find the sample packs in the description sections of the product pages.

If you haven’t seen these before, T-Pan is my black and white film-like style pack for Capture One, and T-Neg is my Colour Film-like style pack. Both T-Neg and T-Pan are also currently on sale, so if you are looking for some film like Style packs for Capture One, check them out now.

Virtual Exhibition - Tales of Summers Past

Virtual Exhibition - Tales of Summers Past

Video: Capture One Quick Edit: US Capitol Building - Fixing a Dull Photo

Video: Capture One Quick Edit: US Capitol Building - Fixing a Dull Photo