About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Some Free Capture One Styles. More Premium Styles Coming Soon

Some Free Capture One Styles. More Premium Styles Coming Soon

A while ago I posted a collection of some free styles for Capture One here on my blog, but I realise that they were buried a little in an old blog post, so I’ve put them over on my store to make them easier to find. There are a few different sets of styles in the collection, and they were mostly experiments and various looks that I had created, but I never really made into a consistent pack. I do have another set of premium styles coming soon, and I’ll talk more about that in a minute.

To get the free styles head over to my store. You can either download it directly using the “download directly” link or add it to your cart which will add it to your account (it’s the only way my store server software will let me do this).

The next set of premium styles I’m working in is a colour set called “T-NEG”. It is created in a similar vein to my recent “Film Lux 3” set of presets for Lightroom, although it is also a little different. The idea is to create a set of virtual films of my own design. There are 10 “film” stocks in the pack, each with 5 variations. The variations are similar to using different speeds of film, and vary the grain, contrast etc. There are 50 styles in total in the pack, and I hope to have it available in a week or so. I’m still tweaking them a bit and I still need to create the support material for the pack (which always takes me a while - mainly because it’s extremely boring!)

It’s actually quite difficult to create styles for Capture One. Unlike Lightroom, there is a much greater degree of variation between camera models. What I mean by this is that different cameras can look quite different to each other when you have no settings applied. When you then apply a style, what works well for one camera model may not work well for another, because the base levels are so different. On Lightroom, there isn’t as much variation, and so this is less of an issue. This is especially true with the colour information, and this is why it’s taken me so long to release styles for Capture One. I’m always nervous that someone with a camera that is less compatible might take issue with them. Anyway, I will release these shortly and see what the reaction is.

I have also released a beta of these for Patreon members. I try to do this any time I have a new product nearly ready for launch, so if you’re interested in getting new stuff before its released - consider signing up for Patreon, as you’ll get to try new presets / styles early, as well as getting them for free - well, apart for the membership cost. I also talk more about the creation process and so on over there.

For now though, here is a sneak peek of the style pack so far.

Street Photo Diary Issue 38: Pink is the new Black

Street Photo Diary Issue 38: Pink is the new Black

Video: How to improve Capture One’s Preview Quality

Video: How to improve Capture One’s Preview Quality